.338 - 8.5 mm BoreBlitz Boresnake geweer by Niebling

Suitable for rifles with the following barrel diameter .338-.375 and 8,5-9,5 mm
The BoreBlitz is a user-friendly solution for cleaning your weapon, it won't get any easier than this. All you have to do is pull the cord through the barrel of your gun or rifle.
In the front and back of the BoreBlitz 2 sponges have been applied to which, for example, a cleaning fluid and a protective oil are applied.
Just after these sponges, 2 rubber balls have also been applied, the rubber balls ensure a perfect connection with the barrel and ensure that all cleaning and oil residues are removed when the barrel is pulled through.
The set also includes a handle to be able to pull the BoreBlitz through the barrel more easily, the beginning of the BoreBlitz has a brass piece so that it falls through the barrel with ease.
Instruction video for using the BoreBlitz: