Lightweight Huntingladder with seat

Lightweight hunting ladder
This folding seat ladder is easy to set up and gives you a lot of flexibility in the hunting field.
The huntingladder is made of aluminum and weighs only 12.3 kg and 130 x 65 cm when folded, making it easy to carry.
The aluminum is sprayed in a matt green coating that is not reflective and therefore not easily noticed.
After you have unfolded the ladder, you can secure it with the supplied cord and secure the bracket at the desired height. The bracket on which you can rest the rifle is provided with a sturdy rubber layer so that you do not hear any noise when you move the weapon.
The height of the bracket is around 2.70 meters.
If you don't have a high seat in the right place or if the wind is in the wrong direction, this ladder is really a godsend.