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Disclaimer for www.semschietsport.nl
SEM Schietsport, hereby grants you access to www.semschietsport.nl ("the Website") and invites you to purchase the offered. SEM Schietsport reserves the right to change the content or to remove parts at any time without having to inform you of this.
Limited liability
SEM Schietsport makes every effort to update and / or supplement the content of the Website as often as possible. Despite this care and attention, it is possible that content is incomplete and / or incorrect. The materials offered on the Website are offered without any form of guarantee or claim to correctness. These materials can change at any time without prior notification from SEM Schietsport.
Specifically for prices and other information about products on the Website there is a reservation of obvious programming and typing errors. You can not claim an agreement with SEM Schietsport on the basis of such errors. SEM Schietsport can never accept liability for hyperlinks to websites or services of third parties included on the Website. Copyright All rights of intellectual property concerning these materials belong to SEM Schietsport. Copying, distribution and any other use of these materials is not permitted without the written permission of SEM Schietsport, except and only to the extent otherwise provided in regulations of mandatory law (such as the right to quote), unless stated otherwise in specific materials.
This disclaimer may change from time to time.
Bel ons
SEM Schietsport
Pastoor Ossestraat 9
7627 PH, Bornerbroek
BTW: NL 856080159B01
KVK: 65360559
NL05 ABNA 0490 4658 38